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Play around in a sentence

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Sentence count:36+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-09-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: the other way aroundmonkey aroundplaygroundaroundall aroundgo aroundget aroundbat aroundMeaning: v. 1. commit adultery 2. work with in an amateurish manner. 
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1. Don't play around with my tools!
2. Tell the children not to play around the building.
3. Play around with the ingredients if you like.
4. I can play around with the pictures to make them more eye-catching.
5. You can't play around with this assignment; it's something that needs to be buckled down to seriously.
6. But Uncle liked to play around with it.
7. How do you think that would play around the old water cooler?
8. But generally they enjoy themselves and they play around with inventions and machines like nobody's business.
9. The company has been touring the play around Gloucestershire encouraging their evening audiences to give their reaction right after each performance.
10. Why were men able to play around with any sort of drab?
11. Play around the centre spot was fast and furious,( though the ground was in total darkness everywhere else.
12. It is bad to play around with other people's wives and bad also to spy on President Amin.
13. Only Brenna let a twisted smile play around her lips as the verdicts were announced.
14. She encourages customers to play around with samples so they feel they are helping to design their own rooms.
15. But play around a little, using colons, dashes, semicolons, and ellipses-among others.
16. You can't play around with children's futures like this.
17. Will or won't somebody play around noisily and crankily?
18. Main Idea: 2010 play around with different perspectives.
19. John: So do they just like to play around?
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. You can play around with Print range options to see how the output varies.
21. Don't play around with the vase, you could easily break it.
22. Play around two high school students to start Rex and Eva.
23. Don't play around with food or make faces in your potato mash.
24. This is a dangerous file, don't play around with it.
25. I play around with the saturation until I get a pleasing result.
26. If you play around with fire it will start to break out.
27. The old man told the children not to play around the pond.
28. Play around with the ATR Ratchet and see what creative ideas you can come up with.
29. The best way to enjoy IE4 is to spend some time on line, play around, and explore its capabilities.
30. Science means honest , solid knowledge, you can't just play around.
More similar words: the other way aroundmonkey aroundplaygroundaroundall aroundgo aroundget aroundbat aroundlie aroundcome aroundsit aroundbum aroundrunaroundrun aroundturn aroundfool aroundmess aroundget around tomill aroundboss aroundlook aroundshop aroundturnaroundwalk aroundhang arounddrive aroundbring aroundstick aroundhorse aroundaround the clock
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